Ah…. A Cup Of Tea

Ah, so tired I sat, waiting. The room began to fill as the sun shone high
I heard the rattle of crockery, hmmm…I knew and thought a cup of tea would be nice
and that beautiful lady from Bosnia smiled with her blue tireless eyes that reflected the echoes of a torturous war that had killed her loved ones but still with voice her accent smiled….as she softly asks, “cup of tea, dear”.
Yes, yes please.

Ah, that cup of tea did quench my thirst and my soul did leap when eyes of Christ filled all the room.

Yes, ‘twas sure a smile here, one there and soon on every face so fixed in pain acknowledged their neighbour in God’s waiting room.  And with a warming, shapeless breeze, ‘twas not a draft, but a glow of gentleness, was what I’d always feel when waiting in this room.

The walls were bright but faces white as snow somehow
melted and sent a hue that splashed upon the
walls and yet that colour it did speak but so insipidly as if all drained of hope.  I see that wall, that colour, it has stayed and often with my eyes dost play.

Magazines of age are stacked on tables
but who did read or turn a page except for those
who cared and so freely gave their time…perhaps a neighbour.

Yet ‘tis seen as if in mirrored reflection those eyes of others
Like lakes of water in heaven’s land, as she softly asks, “cup of tea dear”.
Yes, yes please.

Ah, that cup of tea did quench my thirst and my soul did leap when eyes of Christ filled all the room.  Now so tired I sat and waited, just waiting and only waiting to be called to rest in bed where plastic bags full of poison are delivered to a vein but ‘tis only I who knows it’s God’s good grace that sweetly feeds my soul.

Ah, and here comes that lovely lady, she knows I love her tea and the breeze is warm and to sleep I drift to dream of my next appointment, ah three more weeks. That piece of paper with dates and times.  Three more weeks, again my hope increases… for that cup of tea.