The Church

The Church
Oh dearest Mother Church what have we done?
did you bury us with St.Peter or did you drop the staff to grab
the throne when Rome fell and perhaps those few too poor
just wandered from your door confused and abandoned looking for other hospitality
to shelter from confusion and feel not betrayed
or was it to that puff of white smoke such secret years of time
when you twisted the compass of our rightful direction
and now what do we have but wand for an illusion
can’t you see we’re all bogged in honey and drowning in milk
so how can you lead us and know the right path
when you cut off your hands and poked out your eyes
then blessed all mothers of Eve who in sex allowed us to conceive
and yet you still keep trying to count God’s thoughts
not even noticing the water that washed those feet
splash into tears and flow to the wells of the desert fathers
Yet never has the Spirit faulted nor erred to flee

Oh dearest Mother Church what have we done?
Too much food and no bread to feed all those who hunger
and still those steeple bells do humbly crick and groan
pictures hang yet all unseen ‘cos He’s locked up and the
cup it got knocked so staining our doors we’ve ruined our yeast
and dampened our faith yet vineyards we’ve increased
with grapes aplenty now so few do tread and with such
the drunken thirst we’re wandering in a stupor looking for a refuge,
a room, to be held in true hospitality for a spiritual intimacy and
passion can’t be of one body, one mass ‘cos it’s in those lone crowds
that you’re bound to shift singing hosanna or shouting crucify then
only to dance to that beat of the golden calf a time when
we all turned our heads and lost God’s face in all its glitter
of fallen angels ever so bitter now the Prophet’s gentle rain
tenders to soothe such pain of yearning for that simple meal
Yet never has the Spirit faulted nor erred to flee

Oh dearest Mother Church what have we done?
Your earthy kingdom all trashed is being smashed
by the evil and with such a hell of whose possession
Awake, drink your laxative and let it purge
the deepest darkest bowels of your corridors
let it rid the rot that has shook the rock
and go back to the cross and take your new compass
drop out of your religious vortex and grasp onto soul and body
now good Mother Church quickly get on your knees
rewrite our pleas and open the doors, windows too
and remove all exits then go down to the basement
draw at the well and drink hearty that water of God
fill up your thirst and return to the upper room
and break that bread, hold onto that cup and share those keys
and to the Kingdom let us come, to celebrate, remembering why
All Three have never faulted nor erred to flee

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