My Love for the Word

I do not form the words, no it is not I.
Words dash and flash across my mind
and empty through my eyes, like particles
of sunlit dust, do these ascend formulating
something I have not a thousand thoughts of
yet from unknown, a surge ripples
through my being, is this not the Aha!

Such earthly words make no sense for
the breath I share so silent in peacefulness
of grace, and does it not flow in a fragrance
of stillness to shelter me, so full of warmth,
my hope, my star of tomorrow, my All.

I have it all, further than the space of all
eternity and far reaching inwardly within
and yes inconsistent, it is incomprehensible,
like a song burning upside down dripping
notes that echo eternal purity and in all
oneness, am I, not cradled forever, with love,
entwined in light, my love is, God is all of me.

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